Welcome to the UNRWA Digital Learning Platform!
This platform will allow students in UNRWA schools to access UNRWA Self-Learning Materials to continue learning from school or home. The materials are intended to be used in conjunction with the host countries textbooks from the 2020-2021 school year. The platform is for all UNRWA students from Grades 1 to 12 in
- Gaza and Syria from Grades 1-9,
- Jordan and West Bank form Grades 1 – 10,
- Lebanon form Grades 1 – 12.
Simply click on your UNRWA Field below which you are from, then find your Grade, after that choose your subject and set sail with our learning materials.

About the UNRWA Digital-Learning Platform
UNRWA is committed to providing quality, inclusive and equitable education to all its students, both in times of relative stability and in emergencies. During emergency situations, Palestine refugee children may be unable to access their regular schools, leading to a risk of interruption of their education. The UNRWA Digital-Learning Platform was developed to provide UNRWA students with access to age-appropriate, relevant, and safe self-learning material that is in line with UN values and humanitarian principles, facilitating learning continuity for students while at home or studying in safe alternative learning spaces when schools become inaccessible. The platform includes free learning material for all UNRWA students from Grades 1 to 9 in UNRWA Gaza, Lebanon and Syria Fields, and for Grades 1 to 10 in UNRWA Jordan and West Bank Fields.
UNRWA Education Programme teams in each Field have developed these materials, which include self-learning cards, worksheets, videos, audio files, education games and tests, tailored to each subject and grade level and presented on the platform in a systematic way. The material is designed to be supportive of students’ protection and psychosocial wellbeing, respects copyrights and cites all references. The UNRWA Digital-Learning Platform is designed to be easy to use and facilitates accessibility to all children, including children with disability and can be accessed from a wide range of devices, including PCs, smartphones and tablets.
The Platform provides students with the opportunity to interact with their teachers through a communication channel where students can ask questions or seek support and teachers can respond.

On the Homepage, click the link for your own UNRWA Field; e.g. Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan, West Bank or Syria. On the next page, select your child’s grade. From there, you can click on the relevant subject, unit or lesson to find materials such as worksheets, videos, or external links to support your child’s learning. If you are not sure which unit or lesson your child should be studying, you can contact your child’s teacher or other school staff to help guide you.
Yes, all of the materials on the UNRWA Digital-Learning Platform are free. However, connecting to and downloading materials from the platform may incur data charges from your internet provider.
On the Homepage, click the link for your UNRWA Field; e.g. Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan, West Bank or Syria.
On the next page, choose your grade and the relevant subject to see the learning materials available. If you are not sure which materials to use, ask your parent or caregiver to check with your teacher.
You should be able to access the platform using any internet-enabled device, including a phone (if it can connect to the internet). Having a pen and paper to hand and also the subject textbook if available, may be useful. However, most materials can be used without a textbook if this is not available.

Guidance for Parents
UNRWA teachers, students and parents are all working together to ensure that UNRWA students can continue learning. UNRWA has developed resources specifically to support parents, who can play an important role in overseeing and supporting children to learn.
This Guide contains advice on the UNRWA Self-Learning Programme, including how to support your child before, during and after a lesson and useful links to resources.
UNRWA Psychosocial Support Recreational Activities Guide (2017)
This Guide contains a range of activities designed to help your children relax, to do arts and crafts, as well as activities with music and drama.
COVID-19 Parenting – great support materials from the ‘Parenting for Lifelong Health’ organisation
A series of twelve proven parenting tips and activities to support with 24/7 Parenting, including having one-on-one time, providing structure, keeping calm and managing stress amongst others. For all ages [link].
Where we work
We provide assistance and protection to Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Including East Jerusalem.
Click the arrows on the map to expand it.
* The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.